Monday, June 29, 2009

GG day~~~

Today my car tyre ( front left side 1) boomjak on the MRR2 highway..

Caused me missed 1 tutorial class and need to replace it.. sienzzz...

Stopped my car beside the highway and change tyre..

What's the feel like?

GG 1st time leh.. :$:$

Gave to MRR2 edi.. ^^


s-cyk said...

@@...what means of GG ar?
STand for what neh??
No wonder tat day super jam in mrr2 la..XDXD...

keithshu said...

GG stand gay stand for sth bad or geng or sai lei..keke..
i dun have block the road lo..

Warren said...

lol.. wads the feel of changing the tyres? i never try tat b4 le x.x

keithshu said...

oh..just like after exercise..keke..